This innovative new 40,000 SF Building now houses The Therapeutic Day School that was previously located in 12 portables on this same site. Existing Grand Live Oaks were preserved on the west side of the campus where they provide shade and shelter for the playground. The west windows look out into the canopy of three preserved Grandfather Oaks. Between the new building and the existing gym is the Sensory Garden designed for outdoor learning and appreciation of the outside environment. Herbs and other fragrant plants line the walkway. Plants with different leaf textures and colors are clustered together to provide visual contrast. Shrubs that flower at different times of the year allow for seasonal variety. The School entry is accented with triple Christmas Palms, Muhly Grass, coontie, and limestone boulders. Crape Myrtles and clumps of Sand CordGrass provide vertical elements along the entry walkway.